Given by Śrī Guru ~ the Supreme Lord Jagannātha, extracted from the Māḻikās, and presented in their original, unaltered and uncorrupted format

Hari Parivar


Spiritualism is a super science.

This is an extract of all forecasts made by Mahāpuruṣas. It is a collection and a research work.

Many great prophets in different parts of the world have made the same prophecies, taught the same things. In Odisha (India), five great prophets (popularly known as Pañcasakhā together) were born between 1400-1600 AD. One of them is Mahāpuruṣa Acyutānanda.

Acyutānanda’s prophecies have been woven with symbolic terms and cryptic references which make them very difficult to understand.

About Mahāpuruṣa Acyutānanda:

Acyutānanda Dāsa was born to Dīnabandhu Khuṇṭiā and Padmāvatī Devī in a village called Tiḻakaṇa in Uḍra Deśa (Odisha, India) in the last part of 15th Century AD. Acyutānanda was a Śūnya Sādhaka (Spiritual Practitioner targeting the Void), and during his lifetime of around 108 years composed several Māḻikās (Divine Inspired Writings) encompassing a wide range of topics from Tantra (Expansion), Mantra (Esoteric Chants) and Yantra (Mystic Devices) to Bhakti (Devotion), Āyurveda (Medicine), Yoga (Union) and Bhaviṣya (Future).

While a limited number of His Māḻikās are publicly available, majority of them stayed hidden for centuries. Acyutānanda also created a set of divine mystic instruments called Śūnya Pustakas (Void Books) which are blank pages embellished with oracular capabilities, and by the grace of Lord Jagannātha, they are today accessible to extremely privileged circle of devotees for the successful continuation and completion of Yuga Karma (Ordained Work of the Era) for the upcoming arrival of Lord Kaḻki Nārāyaṇa ~ the Avatāra Puruṣa (Incarnation of the Era).

We are trying to express the anatomy of His Māḻikā.

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