The Disconnect Between Science and Mysticism

(This post is a reflection of Nīḻāmbara Dāsa’s spiritual experience and attempts to explain why there is perceivable and growing disconnect between Modern Day Science and Mysticism)

Spiritualism is a super-science.

There are indeed many befuddling mysteries of Nature. Both the Universe (the Macrocosm) and the Body (the Microcosm) are but amazing marvels of the creation we exist in.

Our rational and logical mind strives to understand the behaviour of both the Universe and the Body by proof and analysis, collected by extensive experimentation. In such rational pursuits, the logic is often bounded by present day conceptualization and proponence of established scientific documentation. Much of the on-going progress in science is built upon the systematic work and research of scientists of the previous decades.

Spiritualism, however, extends beyond such boundaries to include realms of science which are yet to be academically explored, yet to be comprehensively understood, yet to be conclusively experienced by modern academics. This brings in a problem for the logical scientific mind that needs proof of establishment at every stage.

The pursuit to explain a spiritual experience in a structure that has little or no systematic modern day knowledge to base upon is an up-hill task for the common man. Rationalists often relegate the term pseudo-science to such pursuits, perhaps, rightly so.

It has been rightly said that the mystery of one century is the science of another.

In the present age, true Mahāpuruṣas and Sadgurus who have the ability as well as the authority to explain such mysticism that is beyond the realm of present day science have time and again stayed away from the limelight of fame and media.

Rarely, however, exemplary Yogīs have come forward in different parts of the world to teach the path to divine consciousness and uplift mankind from ignorance.

While their generic teachings make the body of various publicly accessible scriptures, their esoteric teachings have always passed down in innermost circles, through generations of often secretive Guru-Śiṣya Paramparā (Teacher-Disciple Traditions).

Over the last few centuries, the growing willingness to buy, sell and deal in spiritualism as a commodity has allowed a huge influx of con artists, impostors and marketers (most of who claim partial or complete divinity). Lack of education and social rigidity has also often played a pivotal role in creating a cocktail for ignorance. This has led to acceleration of modern day religions and religious movements fueled by commercial or political agendas in the name of spiritualism.

The line separating mysticism from blind belief has been blurred to such an extent that only a Great Teacher can dispel such darkness that is in the form of ignorance.

However, beyond religious adherence, beyond social constructs and beyond the realm of present day science, the befuddling mysteries of Nature remain. Among others, the unending mysteries of the Universe and the Body still impound intellectuals.

One such mystic phenomenons of paramount importance in the present day is that of Lord Jagannātha.

Faith is one of the most important enablers that can help one progress forward in their spiritual journey. Practising Bhāva (Ardour), Bhakti (Devotion) and Prema (Love) can dispel darkness and lead to Divinity.

Nīḻāmbara Dāsa
Śrī Nivāsa, Nīḻāñcaḻa
Written on 21 Sep, 2016


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