Revelation of the Kaḻkī MahāMantra

Life and death is a great drama in this mundane world. The journey of every Individual Soul (Jīvātmā) on earth is made possible by the Power of Illusion (Yogamāyā).

However the true journey of a Jīvātmā (Individual Soul) transcends beyond the mere limitations of Time and Space that make this Universe. While on earth the Jīvātmā (Individual Soul) holds a body for a temporary time period, however its wonderful journey may still thereafter continue in the Mṛtyu Maṇḍala (Perishable World) or it may transcend to the Amṛta Maṇḍala (Imperishable World) as per the strength of its desire.

Every Jīvātmā (Individual Soul) is divine and part of the same Paramātmā (Supreme Soul), like a Droplet of Water from the Ocean. Although the Jīvātmā (Individual Soul) partakes in the Divine Play (Līḻā) on earth for a relatively brief period of time, it needs to hold a Gross Body (Sthūḻa Śarīra) to do so. This Gross Body (Sthūḻa Śarīra) is created from the Five Great Elements (PañcaMahābhūta viz. Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth), and after death, the Gross Body (Sthūḻa Śarīra) disintegrates into the five elemental states. The Gross Body (Sthūḻa Śarīra) thus is temporary and transient and subject to creation and destruction. But the journey of the Jīvātmā (Individual Soul) continues nevertheless. Such is the great truth of life.

Among the various types of bodies that a Jīvātmā (Individual Soul) can take on earth during its journey, being born in a Human Body is indeed rare which is also gifted with the power of judgement. After death, the next journey of the Jīvātmā (Individual Soul) is determined by its Karma (Action) – either it takes another journey in the perishable, mundane world or transcends to the immortal, imperishable world.

However the last thought that is in the mind of the Jīvātmā (Individual Soul) before death always reflects in its immediate next journey. While leaving the Gross Body (Sthūḻa Śarīra), if the mind is engrossed in the thoughts of the Supreme, the Jīvātmā (Individual Soul) transcends beyond the equations of Karma that abound this Universe and reaches the Realm of the Supreme.

And because, when death might present itself is often not known to us, hence it is advised to keep chanting the name of the Lord, day and night, continuously, with every breath we take. When the Name of Lord is continuously chanted, the Subtle Body (Sūkṣma Śarīra) too starts chanting the name internally even when the Gross Body (Sthūḻa Śarīra) is busy or incapable of chanting.

At the time of death, this internal chanting takes the Jīvātmā (Individual Soul) to the realm of the Supreme Lord, and mixes it into the Paramātmā (Supreme Soul). Hence continuous chanting of the Name of Lord becomes a powerful weapon in this Kaḻiyuga (On-going Era of Ignorance and Last Age of the Present Cycle of Creation).

Kaḻkī MahāMantra

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The Kaḻkī MahāMantra which is the Name Mantra of Lord Kaḻkī Rāma is the extension of the Hare Rāma Kṛṣṇa MahāMantra that was popularised by the great saint Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu in 16th Century AD.

The Kaḻkī MahāMantra is meant as a powerful weapon given to the mankind in these times by Śrī Guru ~ the Supreme Lord Jagannātha via the Śūnya Pustaka (Mystic Oracle Books). While the Hare Rāma Kṛṣṇa MahāMantra is the Prema Mantra (Mantra of Love), the Kaḻkī MahāMantra is the Rakṣā Mantra (Mantra of Protection) that is given to mankind to escape from the dirtiness of earth.

When this truth will be realised by human beings, they will not be afraid of death.

Heartfelt utterance of the Word Power (Nāma Brahma) in Kaḻkī MahāMantra with Bhāva (Passion), Bhakti (Devotion), Prema (Love) and Śraddhā (Faith) can create an invisible aura outside and inside the Gross Body (Sthūḻa Śarīra). The self realisation born out of this experience shall give confidence to overcome all the obstacles of life, and this has been experienced by saints time and again.

Over ages, various saints and prophets around the world have prophesied about the arrival of a great teacher of the world who would dispel darkness with the sword of knowledge and remove the dirtiness of earth and society, and in the process show the path of a new creation and world order.

Around the world, all refer to the arrival of the same Incarnation of the Supreme, only revered and known by different names in different cultures. Ancient manuscripts (especially in and around India) have referred to the name of the prophesied incarnation as Lord Kaḻkī Rāma (also sometimes known as Lord Kaḻkī Nārāyaṇa).


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