Advent of Lord Keśava as the Kaḷaṅki Incarnation

The Supreme Lord here reveals how everyone on earth merely only experience pre-decided events but think in illusion that they are happenings, and how we have reached such a transition time in this era when the Lord Himself has arrived as Kaḷaṅki Incarnation taking the Keśava name.

(Below is the revelation, as extracted from Māḻikā (Mystic Oracular Books), given by Śrī Guru Lord Jagannātha in Oḍiā; translated into English for the benefit of Mankind)

Original Transliteration

Śrī Guru Uvāca:

āmbhara kahibā kathā māna ।
ye kāḷe dvanda ṭi heba jāṇa ॥1॥
dharibu tāhā ye māẏā boli ।
kahideli tote adẏe kholi ॥2॥

ghaṭana ye aghaṭana māna ।
sughaṭana āna ādi jñāna ॥3॥
ghaṭu thāe ṭi ye ethe sāra ।
marttẏa maṇḍaḷa re muhūrtta ra ॥4॥
pratẏeka muhūrtta ethe thāi ।
anūbhavi mātra sarve hoi ॥5॥
rahichanti ṭi ye boli jāṇa ।
kehi ye ṭhike ṭi bujhe jñāna ॥6॥
kehi ye jñāna ṭi nathāi re ।
bujhu thāe āna dekha gīre ॥7॥
māẏā ku satya ye boli bhāvi ।
huanti ajñānī anūbhavi ॥8॥
emanta ajñāna jñāna māna ।
ye bhave hue ṭi sampādana ॥9॥
emanta nirddhāraṇa māna ।
sṛṣṭi re ṭi ghaṭu thāe jāṇa ॥10॥

emanta caḷuchi patha mora ।
kaḷi yuga ṭi ye mahā ghora ॥11॥
mahā kāḷa ṭi ye ethe thāi ।
ye kaḷi ra anta dekha kahi ॥12॥
kaḷaṅki yuga ra paraveśa ।
hoichi dekha re tuhi śiṣa ॥13॥
āmbhe ṭi kaḷaṅki avatāra ।
hoichi keśava nāma mora ॥14॥
temanta rūpa ṭi hoi suta ।
nāśibu mleccha ṭi dekha satẏa ॥15॥
ye ṭi ahaṃkāra madhẏe thāi ।
sehi ṭi ye mleccha jāṇa tuhi ॥16॥

emanta kari ye ethe sāra ।
uḍiba vijaẏa bānā mora ॥17॥
sepāim̐ yuddha ku ye prastuta ।
aṇṭā ku bhir̤a tu āre suta ॥18॥
rahibu āgāmi dina pāim̐ ।
kahi delu ṭi ye viśva sāim̐ ॥19॥


English Translation

Śrī Guru Speaks:

Of all the talks that I have given
Whenever in doubt you are driven
Know that is but the illusion
Today I reveal in this session!

Events, accidents and all as are,
Good happenings and all known by far,
They all happen here, in the present,
In the mortal plane every moment,
And every moment being right here
All but only experience mere –
And in this very way stay, do know,
Some understand this with knowledge’s flow
And the others without the knowledge
Understand this with a different edge
Thinking illusion as truth’s essence
The ignorant thus experience,
Such mix of knowledge and ignorance
On earth constitutes the grand presence
This way the determination
Happens in this very creation.

Such is on-going as my path’s steer
Kaḷi Era brings along great fear
The Great Ferocious Time is here
As is Kaḷi Era’s ending near
And the Kaḷaṅki Era’s entry –
Has but happened, o’ disciple see,
I, as the Kaḷaṅki Incarnation
Have taken the Keśava name on
And taking that very form, o’ son,
Will slay barbarians, do reckon!
Those who have themselves in ego rolled
That, know, who are barbarians called.

Doing thus as here I did outline
I will fly high my victory ensign.
Hence get ready for the coming war
O’ son, prepare for time isn’t afar –
And in the coming days stay alert,
I, Lord of the World to you assert.



The Divine Revelations extracted and presented here in their original and uncorrupted form have made heavy incorporation of Chanda (Poetic Metre and Crypt), have multiple meanings and ingrain deep symbolism which make them very difficult to understand. While the same Sūkti (Divine Revelation) may also be understood and interpreted differently by different seekers and teachers of Spiritualism, all paths lead to the same goal towards realisation of Brahma (the Ultimate Truth).

The above Translation is a humble attempt by members of Hari Parivār to interpret and explain the original extraction in context of the Supreme Lord Jagannātha’s prescribed path of Bhāva (Ardour), Bhakti (Devotion) and Prema (Love).


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