Art of Balancing Devotion with Livelihood

The Supreme Lord here reveals the art of practising devotion while continuing work towards earning a livelihood, and how it can lead one to His Divine Visual.

(Below is the revelation as extracted from Māḻikā, given by Śrī Guru Lord Jagannātha in Oḍiā; translated into English for the benefit of Mankind)

Original Transliteration

Śrī Guru Uvāca:

āmbhara pāim̐ ṭi dekha suta ।
āmbhara pāim̐ ṭi karma yukta ॥1॥
madhẏare sthita ṭi hebā jāṇa ।
sehi ye puruṣottama jñāna ॥2॥

ehi ye puruṣottama vārttā ।
deuchu āmbhe ṭi āmbha sattā ॥3॥
āmbhara sattā re paripūrṇṇa ।
hoichi sarvatra boli jāṇa ॥4॥
puruṣottama ye nāma nei ।
kheḷuchu āmbhe ṭi bhāvagrāhī ॥5॥
āmbha binu ṭi ye nāhim̐ kehi ।
re suta jāṇa ṭi ehā tuhi ॥6॥

ehi ye supūṇẏa vāṇī māna ।
karuachu āmbhe ye pradāna ॥7॥
tumbhe ṭi āśīrvāda sire ।
gheni ye karma ṭi kara gīre ॥8॥

ehi ṭi āmbhara ye ādeśa ।
boli ye bhāva re tuhi śiṣa ॥9॥
ehi sarva vārttā māna dei ।
śrī guru puruṣottama hoi ॥10॥
śrī guru acẏuta boli jāṇa ।
śrī guru sadguru boli maṇa ॥11॥
eka ertha ṭi ye achi kahi ।
bhinnā bhinna suta kichi nāhim̐ ॥12॥

ehi ye pustakara vacana ।
śrī guru madhẏare parimāṇa ॥13॥
śrī guru vāṇī prakāśana ।
hue ye ghana ghana jñāna ॥14॥
āmbhe pradāna kari suta ।
kahu āmbhe ye bahu tattva ॥15॥

adhira huani tumbhe jāṇa ।
niśce dekhiba puruṣottama ॥16॥
ye kāḷe hoiba bhakti sāra ।
prema ṭi hoiba gār̤ha tora ॥17॥
tebe heba dṛśẏamāna kahi ।
niśce dekhiba ṭi bhāvagrāhī ॥18॥

teṇu ṭi jīvana pathe jāṇa ।
karma ṭi kara ye mahājñāna ॥19॥
karma madhẏere ṭi āmbha kathā ।
āmbha tattva ku ye mahāsattā ॥20॥
kari rakhiba ye hṛde jñāna ।
karu thiba sarva karma jāṇa ॥21॥

dekhibā pāim̐ ṭi tahim̐ suta ।
viśeṣa karma ṭi nāhim̐ yukta ॥22॥
diśiba tāhā ṭi boli jāṇa ।
ye paurandara jẏoti jñāna ॥23॥
yekāḷe dekhibu tahim̐ suta ।
ye brahma jẏoti ṭi tahim̐ satẏa ॥24॥
sekāḷe tohara dṛṣṭi patha ।
cāliba urddha ku hoi sata ॥25॥
sekāḷe amṛta sudhā dhāra ।
bohiba dekha ṭi jhara jhara ॥26॥

emanta rahichi boli jāṇa ।
ye navadā bhakti parimāṇa ॥27॥
ye kaḷi yuga ra ṭi lakṣaṇa ।
navadā bhakti re mahā jñāna ॥28॥

teṇu ṭi ehi dvaẏa suta ।
ābinu nāhim̐ ṭi āna patha ॥29॥
teṇu ṭi karma ye kari sāra ।
bhaja ṭi ye kṛṣṇa nāma gīra ॥30॥
tahim̐re rahichi mukti jāṇa ।
tahim̐ re rahichi śakti puṇa ॥31॥
āmbhe ye mokṣa ra dātā kahi ।
āmbha binu ṭi ye anẏa nāhim̐ ॥32॥


English Translation

Śrī Guru Speaks:

For me as things are, do see, o’ son,
For me that as ordained work is known
In-between that setting up your form
Is but Puruṣottama’s wisdom.

Puruṣottama’s discourse treasure
I’m giving my opulence’ measure,
In my very existence is filled
Know, everything as I have willed,
Taking the Puruṣottama name,
I, thought insister, play divine game.
Without me but other there is none
Do understand this principle, son.

These, as are my sacred words, construe,
Here, I am bestowing onto you
With my blessings on your very head
Accept, and in work’s way move ahead.

These are but my instructions ample
Do consider, o’ my disciple!
Giving these very dialogues though
Śrī Guru as Puruṣottama,
Śrī Guru is but Acyuta, know,
Śrī Guru as Sadguru does show,
But only one is the meaning here
And difference there is none, adhere.

These as are Oracle’s discourses
Are measure of Śrī Guru’s verses.
Śrī Guru diction as expression
Plentiful wisdom revelation
Having bestowed onto you, o’ son,
I teach of many truths in lesson.

Do not let impatience in you grow
You’ll surely see Puruṣottama
When thoughts of devotion shall arise
And longing love shall reach intense highs,
Then, as is divine visual key –
Of the thought insister, you will see.

In the set path of your own life hence
Do work with utmost perseverance
And in-between work think of my tale
And adoring my postulates well
Do keep them all inside your heart
And keep doing as is your work part!

To see the visual there, o’ son,
There is no specific work, reckon,
Still that vision will be in your sight
Known as the Eternal Divine Light,
And whenever you see there, o’ son,
That as Brahma Light is truly known
At that time as is your path forward
Shall start moving truthfully upward
And at that time, the nectar’s pure stream
Shall in turbulence flow down the stream.

Thus is in store to happen reckon
Measure of nine steps of devotion
In Kaḷi era see as has come
Nine fold devotion holds great wisdom

Hence these two, o’ son, do see as lay,
Beyond these there is no other way
Hence keep earning your livelihood,
And chant Kṛṣṇa’s name under the hood,
Know there lies ultimate freedom,
And there too lies great power’s form,
I am that giver of salvation,
Without me but there is other none!



The Divine Revelations extracted and presented here in their original and uncorrupted form have made heavy incorporation of Chanda (Poetic Metre and Crypt), have multiple meanings and ingrain deep symbolism which make them very difficult to understand. While the same Sūkti (Divine Revelation) may also be understood and interpreted differently by different seekers and teachers of Spiritualism, all paths lead to the same goal towards realisation of Brahma (the Ultimate Truth).

The above Translation is a humble attempt by members of Hari Parivār to interpret and explain the original extraction in context of the Supreme Lord Jagannātha’s prescribed path of Bhāva (Emotion), Bhakti (Devotion) and Prema (Love).

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