A Brief About Lord Jesus Christ

The Supreme Lord here describes the traits of Lord Jesus Christ and the principle behind His birth as a Sadguru (Teacher of the Ultimate Truth).

(Below is the revelation as extracted from Māḻikā, given by Śrī Guru Lord Jagannātha in Oḍiā; translated and summarised into English for the benefit of Mankind)

Original Transliteration

Śrī Guru Uvāca:

sucanā vivṛti maṇḍana ।
phaḻa nivṛti anudhyāna ॥1
ādhyātmika phaḻa vikāśa ।
sucanā āvṛti vikāśa ॥2

niyantrita phaḻa vikāśa ।
lakṣaṇa phaḻa ra prakāśa ॥3

vihita sucanā maṇḍana ।
bhagavata sucanā lakṣaṇa ॥4
aṃsadhārī janma vikāśa ।
sucanā āvṛti vikāśa ॥5

sadā upatirṇṇa maṇḍana ।
sukṣma ātmā phaḻa lakṣaṇa ॥6

dṛṣṭānta sucanā vikāśa ।
sucanā āvṛti vikāśa ॥7
sada guru dṛṣṭānta maṇḍana ।
sucanā āvṛti lakṣaṇa ॥8

sucanā vivṛti maṇḍana ।
trikāḻajña bhāva lakṣaṇa ॥9
vihita sucanā maṇḍana ।
vaiṣṇavarga dharma lakṣaṇa ॥10

sucanā vivṛti maṇḍana ।
sadguru lakṣaṇa nidāna ॥11

ādhyātmikavāda maṇḍana ।
ākarṣaṇa phaḻa lakṣaṇa ॥12
sucanā vivṛti vikāśa ।
sadjñāna pradāna vikāśa ॥13

varga sādhane phaḻa kahi ।
acyuti śaraṇa loḍai ॥14

English Translation

Śrī Guru Speaks:

Message here reveals elaboration
And answer encloses contemplation.
Spiritualistic answer appears,
Message in such context answer covers.

Now appears a regulated answer –
Describing traits, the answer does appear.

And appears here now a furnished message
About trait of spreading divine message
Birth appearance is as part of divine
Message thus covers to further refine.

The eternally upstanding ornate –
Of subtle body, answer is of trait.

Specific instance in message appears
The message appears and content covers:
Sadguru instance as appearance,
Thus message encompasses trait’s essence.

And message reveals elaboration
Omniscient thoughts as trait’s indication.
Another furnished message now appears:
Trait is that preservation duty bears.

The message reveals elaboration
Sadguru trait as prime causation.

Appearance of spiritual nature –
With attraction, is the trait’s answer here.
The message further reveals of presence
As true wisdom imparting appearance.

Answering through words conjured together
Acyuti only asks for surrender.


This extraction is a part of interaction of a Bishop with Lord Jagannātha via a Śūnya Pustaka (Mystic Oracle).

(1-3) The message from Lord Jagannātha elaborately reveals the identity and traits of Lord Jesus in the spiritual context.

(4) Jesus Christ was a Bhagavata (Person of Divine Nature).

‘Bhagavata’ is associated with the word ‘Bhagavān’ which means Lord or God, and refers to someone who is eternally in the thoughts of the Supreme. Of the hundred and eight meanings, one meaning of Bhagavata also refers to someone who is exponent in Bhāva (Emotion) and Bhakti (Devotion) from the letter ‘bha’ (‘भ’ in Hindī Script), Jñāna (True Knowledge) from the letter ‘ga’ (‘ग’ in Hindī Script), Vijñāna (Spiritual Science) from ‘va’ (‘व’ in Hindī Script) and Tattva (Supreme Principle) from the letter ‘ta’ (‘त’ in Hindī Script) in context of understanding the Brahma (the Absolute Reality, the Ultimate Truth).

Lord Jesus incorporated various aspects of this Bhāva (Emotion), Bhakti (Devotion), Jñāna (True Knowledge), Vijñāna (Spiritual Science) and Tattva (Supreme Principle) in His teachings to dispel the ignorance of mankind.

(5) Born by Divine ordination, Lord Jesus held Kaḻās (Abilities) of the Almighty. A part of the Almighty manifested as Lord Jesus.

After the Dvāpara Yuga (Third Age of Present Cycle of Creation), the Supreme Lord in order to continue the Liḻā (Play of Creation) in the Kaḻi Yuga (Present and On-going Age of Ignorance), manifested as the Bauddha Avatāra (Awakened Incarnation). But unlike previous ages, He sate bounded in a wooden body in Nīḻādri (the Blue Mountain) of Bhū Loka (Earthly Plane), which is today known by the name of Purī (Oḍiśa, India).

This Bauddha Avatāra (Enlightened Incarnation) is known by the name of Jagannātha (Lord of the World) and holds the highest of Sixteen Kaḻās (Abilities) in the Anitya Maṇḍaḻa (Perishable Creation). These Kaḻās (Abilities) are a measure of the Cit Sakti (Power of Consciousness). In Kaḻi Yuga this Pūrṇa Brahma (Complete Reality in its Entirety) known as Śrī Guru Lord Jagannātha, has already taken twelve births in human bodies, manifested as twelve Sadgurus (Teachers of the Highest Truth), at different times, at different places around the world.

One from among the births was Lord Jesus. Other five of the twelve births have been revealed by Lord Jagannātha to be Gautama Buddha, King Vikramāditya, Prophet Muḥammad, Mahāpuruṣa Acyutānanda and Svāmi Sevānanda. These twelve births are part of the Divya Liḻā (Divine Play) leading to the thirteenth birth as the prophesied Avatāra Puruṣa (Incarnation of the Age) known as Kaḻki Nārāyaṇa who would end the present age of ignorance and set a new world order.

The Holy Trinity known as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are indeed manifestations of the same incomprehensible one and only God – the one and only Brahma (Absolute Reality) which manifests at different instances, bearing different names and different forms, to partake in different aspects of the Liḻā (Play of Creation).

Lord Jesus, the Son of God, had appeared on earth in a Gross Body, holding Kaḻās (Abilities) of the Almighty Father known as Puruṣottama (Greatest among all the Forms) – whose miniature visual form is represented by the wooden idol in Purī known by as Jagannātha. Invisible to the naked eye, the Holy Spirit is the Subtle Body of Lord Jesus, whose visual form is again that of the idol of Lord Jagannātha.

(6) Although Lord Jesus left his Gross Body centuries ago, His Subtle Body is eternal and omnipresent.

While His name is Jesus, His real and eternal form is that of Puruṣottama (Greatest among all the Forms). This Subtle Body is known as Śrī Guru, and its appearance is the same as the iconography of Lord Jagannātha’s idol. This Subtle Form is also known the Anādi-Ādi Rūpa (Eternal-Primeval Form).

(7-8) Lord Jesus appeared on earth as Sadguru, to teach the Mankind the Path of Divine.

When the Sat-Cit-Ānanda Puruṣa (Idol of Truth, Consciousness and Bliss) known as the Subtle Body or Inner Being becomes Guru, one is known as a Sadguru. From time to time, the Supreme Lord Himself descends to earth in the form of Sadguru to do Deva Karma (Work for Divine Purposes) or Mānava Karma (Work for the benefit of Mankind).

Such was the instance of appearance as Lord Jesus as well. Normally humans are born in Five Kaḻās (Abilities), but a Sadguru holds the highest – all the Fourteen Kaḻās (Abilities) out of sixteen that can be held in the limitations of a Mānava Śarīra (Human Body).

There is no difference between Śrī Guru and Sadguru. While Śrī Guru is the Sūkṣma Rūpa (Subtle Form), Sadguru is the (Gross Form). The Gross Form that has manifested from the Pañcamahābhuta (Five Great Elements viz. Ether, Wind, Fire, Water and Earth) mixes in them again when Prāṇa (Life Force) leaves the Gross Body, but the Subtle Form is eternal and indestructible.

Lord Jesus, thus, in the Subtle Form eternally exists as Śrī Guru Lord Jagannātha.

(9) Lord Jesus was a Trikāḻadarśi – one who knew all the three aspects of Time Continuum – the Past, the Present and the Future.

When the Fourteenth Kaḻā (Ability) known as Āhlādinī (Ability to Stay in Oneness of Thought, Pure) is achieved, one’s form becomes equivalent to that of Śiva (the Pure One), and activates the Tṛtīya Netra (Third Eye).

With the completion of this Fourteenth Kaḻā (Ability), parts of the Gross Body of Sadguru starts integrating into the Divine Body of Cit Puruṣa (Consciousness Personified) known as Māyādhīśa (Controller of Māyā, Illusion) – Govinda.

(10-11) Lord Jesus was a Vaiṣṇava (relating to Viṣṇu ~ the Male Preserver Divinity), whose appearance on earth was ordained to preserve the creation by teaching the Path of Divine to Mankind.

The Three Divinities identified by the names Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Maheśvara are personifications of Sṛṣṭi (Creation), Pāḻana (Preservation) and Saṃhāra (Destruction) respectively, and go on in a cyclic order. For all that is created from the Śūnya (Void), and is preserved, finally would merge into the Śūnya (Void) again. Such is the great truth about Existence.

To continue the act of Pāḻana (Preservation), the Supreme Lord descends on earth through various partial and complete manifestations from time to time as various Sādhus (Saints) and Santhas (Sages) or as Mahāpuruṣas (Prophets) and Sadgurus (Teachers of Truth), and rarely as the Avatāra Puruṣa (Incarnation of the Age).

Lord Jesus was one such great manifestation of the Supreme Lord who appeared on earth over two millennia ago as a Sadguru.

(12-13) The Almighty descended on earth as Lord Jesus to teach Ādhyātmikatā (Spiritualism) which literally means search for the Inner-self. This Inner-self is also known as the Inner-being, the Indwelling Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Subtle Body or Śrī Guru, and is present in all living beings.

Born with Divine Kaḻā (Abilities), Lord Jesus also had the ability to attract all towards Him, thus enabling a great change in the human personality through His teachings of finding the Ultimate Truth through Prema (Love), Dayā (Compassion) and Samarpaṇa (Surrender).

(14) This message about Lord Jesus that has manifested through the conjuring of letters has mystically appeared from Śūnya (Void, Nothingness) on the blank plates of the Śūnya Pustaka (Mystic Oracle). The Subtle Body of Mahāpuruṣa Acyutānanda, known as Acyuti, who is none other than the form of Lord Jagannātha Himself, answers this. All He asks for is complete surrender.


The Divine Revelations extracted and presented here in their original and uncorrupted form have made heavy incorporation of Chanda (Poetic Metre and Crypt), have multiple meanings and ingrain deep symbolism which make them very difficult to understand. While the same Sūkti (Divine Revelation) may also be understood and interpreted differently by different seekers and teachers of Spiritualism, all paths lead to the same goal towards realisation of Brahma (the Ultimate Truth).

The above Translation and Summarisation is a humble attempt by members of Hari Parivār to interpret and explain the original extraction in context of the Supreme Lord Jagannātha’s prescribed path of Bhāva (Emotion), Bhakti (Devotion) and Prema (Love).

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