The Creator of Amazing

The Supreme Lord here reveals how He has created this amazing creation in an amazing way and if it were not amazing, how His play would not have been amazing as well.

(Below is the revelation as extracted from Māḻikā, given by Śrī Guru Lord Jagannātha in Oḍiā; translated and summarised into English for the benefit of Mankind)

Original Transliteration

Śrī Guru Uvāca:

ehi ta vicitra vacanara ।
vicitra bhāva ṭi vicitrākāra ॥1
āmbhe ṭi vicitra hoi jāṇa ।
vicitre karu ye pradāna ॥2
vicitra citra ṭi achi kahi ।
vicitra madhyare ambhe thāi ॥3
vicitra kathā māna tahim̐ ।
vicitra chandare kahu rahi ॥4
ehi ye vicitratā jāṇa ।
āmbhe ṭi vicitra tuhi maṇa ॥5
vicitra nahile nahim̐ suta ।
līḻāre vicitra hebā sakta ॥6
vicitra kathā ṭi kahe jāṇa ।
nahile vicitra nuhem̐ jñāna ॥7
ehi ye vicitra kathā kahi ।
vicitrākāra ṭi āmbhe tahim̐ ॥8
caḻilu vicitra pathe jāṇa ।
vicitra gṛha ṭi boli maṇa ॥9
vicitre rahichu āmbhe tahim̐ ।
vicitre bhramāum̐ sarve tahim̐ ॥10
vicitra hoilā kathā māna ।
vicitre caḻilu āmbhe jāṇa ॥11


English Translation

Śrī Guru Speaks:

These very amazing words express
Amazing maker’s amazing ways.
That amazing I become, do know,
And then in amazing ways bestow.
There is an amazing such image
From inside that amazing vantage –
Saying amazing words from in there –
Adorned in amazing metre share.
But this is that amazement, know this
And I am amazing, think thus is!
Amazing if there is none, o’ son,
Tough, an amazing play becomes one.
Amazing words I am saying here
Else amazing is no wisdom mere.
Thus saying here these amazing words –
Amazing creator world regards –
Am leaving in the amazing way –
To the amazing home where I stay.
In amazing ways staying in there
Amazingly delude all from there.
Amazing these words have now become
Amazingly I’m leaving for home.



The macro than the macrocosm and micro than the microcosm are but amazing manifestations created by the Supreme Lord. The universe, the solar system, the sun, the earth, the human body itself, the thirty three crore demigods and fifty-six thousand species that populate the three worlds – are all marvels of His creation.

(1) Here the Lord says how these very words revealed by Him in this extraction amazingly reveal His amazing ways of doing things.

(2) In order to create amazing things, the Lord first Himself takes an amazing form. This amazing form refers to various manifestations of the Puruṣottama as Puruṣa incarnations which become the source of subsequent amazing creations.

(3) Similarly, in the very world we live in, there is an amazing image – the Dāru Mūrti (wooden image) of Lord Jagannathā, in which the Lord stays.

(4) From in that amazing image, he expresses amazing thoughts adorned in amazing symbolism and poetic metre, as Śrī Guru – the teacher of the entire universe. The seed of all thoughts in everyone is but He Himself. Apart from Him, there is but no other teacher in the three worlds capable of becoming Guru. The teachings of various Mahāpuruṣas (prophets) and Sadgurus (great teachers) all over the world are only and only the words of Śrī Guru – Lord Jagannātha Himself.

(5) Again, the seed of all thoughts, the thought itself and the thinker too is none other than the amazing Lord Himself. It is only because of Avidyā (Ignorance) we are unable to understand the real nature of the Brahma (Highest Truth).

(6) The Lord further reveals that if things are not amazing, a Līḻā (play) of amazement is difficult to create. This beautiful and diverse creation would cease to be amazing if there were no amazing ingredient in it.

(7) To explain the significance of amazing, the Lord in this extraction reveals His amazing principle of creation using amazing words, else wisdom itself would cease to be amazing. If wisdom is not amazing, the quest for Brahma Jñāna (Ultimate Wisdom) would cease.

(8-9) Having revealed these amazing words, the Lord – the creator of all amazing, decides to leave in path of His amazing home – the Śrī Mandira (the Śrī Jagannātha Temple in Purī).

(10-11) Living in the Śrī Mandira in amazing ways, the Lord as the Bauddha Avatāra, amazingly deludes everyone from there with His incomprehensible Māyā (illusion). The ongoing Kaḻi Yuga (era of ignorance) is also but a part of His Līḻā (play). Giving this amazing revelation, the Lord then leaves for His amazing home.


The Divine Revelations extracted and presented here in their original and uncorrupted form have made heavy incorporation of Chanda (Poetic Metre and Crypt), have multiple meanings and ingrain deep symbolism which make them very difficult to understand. While the same Sūkti (Divine Revelation) may also be understood and interpreted differently by different seekers and teachers of Spiritualism, all paths lead to the same goal towards realisation of Brahma (the Ultimate Truth).

The above Translation and Summarisation is a humble attempt by members of Hari Parivār to interpret and explain the original extraction in context of the Supreme Lord Jagannātha’s prescribed path of Bhāva (Emotion), Bhakti (Devotion) and Prema (Love).

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