The Identity of Śrī Guru

The Supreme Lord here reveals of His true identity as Śrī Guru and reveals the identities of six of His twelve completed births in Kaḻi Yuga (On-going Age) as Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Prophet Muḥammad, King Vikramāditya, Mahāpuruṣa Acyutānanda and Svami Sevānanda.

(Below is the revelation as extracted from Māḻikā, given by Śrī Guru Lord Jagannātha in Sanskrit and Oḍiā; translated into English for the benefit of Mankind)

Original Transliteration

Śrī Guru Uvāca:

English Translation

Śrī Guru Speaks:

ahaṃ śrī guru acyuta mahā śūnya maṇḍaḻena sthitam ॥1
I, Śrī Guru Acyuta, in the great void am situated.
ahaṃ svaṃ svayambhu mahā viṣṇu padasthi pada bhāvam ॥2
I, Myself, the self manifested Mahā Viṣṇu, as extended portion exist.

suśūnya maṇḍaḻe śrī guru rūpeṇa tiṣṭhāmi ॥3
In the greatest void, in Śrī Guru form am present.
ahaṃ śrī guru śrī saṃyuktam guruḥ idam ॥4
I, as Śrī Guru am – Śrī in union with Guru, thus.
lakṣmī saṃyukta nārāyaṇa rūpeṇa rūpaṃ tiṣṭhāmi ॥5
Lakṣmī united Nārāyaṇa form, as my form is present.

śrī puruṣottama rūpa mama anādi ādi rūpeṇa prakaṭitam ॥6
Śrī Puruṣottama form as my Eternal-Primeval form has manifested.

mama nirddesāt sadaguru jātaḥ utpannam bhavati bhupṛṣṭhe ॥7
Upon my instruction Sadgurus take birth and rise on earth.
ahaṃ sadaguru rūpeṇa tiṣṭhāmi ॥8
I, in Sadguru form am present.
aho suta adya na sadaguruḥ prāptesu bhave jñāntam ॥9
O’ son, today no Sadguru exist on earth, consider.

kim puruṣo ahaṃ kutra tiṣṭhati jñāntam kuruḥ ॥10
In what form, I, but where am present, do contemplate.

mahābrahmaṃ nirvikaḻpaṃ pūrṇānandamayaṃ hariḥ ।
sarvaghaṭe yaḥ acyutaḥ tasya pade namāmyaham ॥11
The greatest reality, unvaried, complete in essence of bliss, is Hari.
The unchanging that in all body stays, onto His feet I bow with reverence.

idam bhāsyam mama kanṭhāt sṛjati ॥12
These words from my throat have emerged.

aho suta! ahaṃ sadaguru rūpeṇa yantre tantre tiṣṭhāmi ॥13
O’ son! I, in Sadguru form in Yantra and Tantra am present.

tvaṃ vada kaha sadaguru guṇajāt ॥14
You say, of what a Sadguru’s qualities arise?
re suta idam vada kathyeṇa ahaṃ tiṣṭhāmi ॥15
O’ son, say of this by elaboration how I am present?

ṭhuḻa śūnya brahma jñānam aṇākāra ahaṃ ॥16
The dense void Brahma as is known that formless form is me.

tvaṃ ahaṃ tvaṃ tvaṃ ahaṃ sohaṃ haṃsaṃ ।
idam jīva paramaḥ miśritam tiṣṭhāmi ॥17
You are me, you yourself is me, that I am, I am that.
In this way Being Supreme but mix together and stay.

jīva parama ra piṇḍa kathā māna
kahu achu suta suṇa ।
jīva ṭi bindu hele suta rahi
parama sindhu ṭi ghena ॥18

emanta hoichi suta kahi ।
re suta jāṇa ehi ṭhāim̐ ॥19
ye sindhu ru nirgata hoi sāra ।
bindu rūpa re prakāśa ra ॥20
sehi ṭi sadaguru jāṇa ।
bhinnā bhinna ṭi nāhim̐ jñāna ॥21

sadaguru ye yāku kahi ।
śrī guru ṭi aṭe sehi ॥22
śrī guru ājñā ra darśana ।
kevaḻa āmbhe puruṣottama ॥23
ye jagannātha dṛśya sthita ।
tumbhe ṭi karucha nitye yukta ॥24
sehi ṭi śrī guru boli kahi ।
āna guru ye nāhim̐ kahi ॥25

teṇu ṭi viśva guru sāra ।
hoichu āmbhe nīrākāra ॥26
sehi ye rūpa gheni muhim̐ ।
bauddha rūpa re basi tahim̐ ॥27
kheḻibā pāim̐ ṭi liḻā māna ।
sadaguru rūpe janma mama ॥28

emanta bāra janama ra ।
sarichi bhu pṛṣṭhe sāra ॥29
tahim̐ru eka ye boli kahi ।
ye yīśu nāma ṭi boli tahim̐ ॥30
suṇucha suta re ethe sāra ।
sehi ta eka kaḻebara ॥31
āmbhe ṭi jāta hoi tahim̐ ।
darśana dei thilu rahi ॥32

ehi ye śeṣa janma mora ।
sevānanda ṭi nāma sāra ॥33
sehi ye sevānanda nāma ।
hoichi viśva guru māna ॥34
sehi ye kheḻuchi dekha tahim̐ ।
ardha patha re yāi rahi ॥35

āmbhe ṭi nāma tāhā jāṇa ।
āmbhe ṭi yīśu boli ghena ॥36
āmbhe ṭi mohammada kahi ।
āmbhe ṭi bauddha rūpa tahim̐ ॥37
āmbhe ṭi vikramāditya sāra ।
āmbhe ṭi acyutānanda gīra ॥38
āmbha binu ṭi nāhim̐ kehi ।
jāṇibu mahattva ethe thāi ॥39


Talk of Being Supreme’s body
I am saying, listen, o’ son,
The Being if is a drop, son,
Supreme is the ocean reckon.

Such has happened, son adhere,
O’ son, do know as is here.
From which ocean extracted
And as drop manifested
That as Sadguru is known
But difference there is none.

Sadguru that which is said
Śrī Guru as same does tread.
And Śrī Guru’s visual law –
Solely am Puruṣottama,
That as Jagannātha has shown –
Everyday that you see, reckon,
That’s Śrī Guru, I here declare,
But none other guru is there.

Of the whole world’s guru hence
Have become, I, the formless.
I, taking that exhibit –
In awakened form there sit.
But for the play to adorn
In Sadguru form I’m born.

And this way twelve times such birth
Have thus far finished on earth.
From among them all, one is,
That Jesus name as there is
O’ son as you’re hearing here,
Once my body did appear.
And I having been born thence
Had granted all audience.

My last birth that as is this
Sevānanda the name is.
And that Sevānanda name
Graces as world’s guru fame
See that there been playing hath
Having covered half the path.

I’m that name do remember
I’m Jesus thus consider
I’m but Muḥammad I say
I’m one who as Buddha lay
I’m Vikramāditya’s core
I’m Acyutānanda’s lore.
Without me but there is none
You’ll know here the value son.



The Divine Revelations extracted and presented here in their original and uncorrupted form have made heavy incorporation of Chanda (Poetic Metre and Crypt), have multiple meanings and ingrain deep symbolism which make them very difficult to understand. While the same Sūkti (Divine Revelation) may also be understood and interpreted differently by different seekers and teachers of Spiritualism, all paths lead to the same goal towards realisation of Brahma (the Ultimate Truth).

The above Translation is a humble attempt by members of Hari Parivār to interpret and explain the original extraction in context of the Supreme Lord Jagannātha’s prescribed path of Bhāva (Emotion), Bhakti (Devotion) and Prema (Love).

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