The Incarnation’s Divine Body

The Supreme Lord here reveals the Avatāra Tattva (Principle behind descending of the Incarnation), and how He is empowered to bring a balance to creation.

(Below is the revelation as extracted from Māḻikā, given by Śrī Guru Lord Jagannātha in Oḍiā; translated into English for the benefit of Mankind)

Original Transliteration

Śrī Guru Uvāca:

āu ki kahibi sutā thāi ।
śrī kṛṣṇa divya dehi hoi ॥1
birājichanti ṭi boli jāṇa ।
āmbhe ṭi śrī kṛṣṇa boli maṇa ॥2

manuṣya śarīra madhye suta ।
āmbhara divya deha yukta ॥3
nohibā boli ṭi kahe jāṇa ।
āmbhara kaḻā re sehi janma ॥4
sehi ye āmbha kaḻā nei ।
sāi rāma ṭi boli kahi ॥5
birāji thilā ṭi bhu pṛṣṭha re ।
emanta kete kete gīre ॥6

kete ye sādhu santha māna ।
hoichu āmbhe ṭi nirimāṇa ॥7
āmbhe ṭi sehi rūpa nei ।
prakāśi achu ṭi deli kahi ॥8

helehem̐ divya kaḻevara ।
nohibā manuṣya madhye sāra ॥9
kevaḻa āmbha avatāra ।
āmbhara aṭe kaḻevara ॥10

avatāra ṭi yebe hele ।
sudarśana ṭi dharu bhale ॥11
nohile avatāra kāhim̐ ।
kevaḻa tattva jaṇāi rahi ॥12

batāi debā ṭi kichi jāṇa ।
tretayā yuga ku kara jñāna ॥13
dekha ye tretayā yuge sāra ।
bahu ye bahu puruṣa ra ॥14
brahma bhāva ṭi dhari jāṇa ।
vasiṣṭha viśvāmitra jñāna ॥15
gautama ādi ye boli kahi ।
sapta ṛṣi ye thile tahim̐ ॥16
sapta brahmarṣi boli jāṇa ।
samaste brahma svarūpeṇa ॥17
āmbhara rūpa sehi sāta ।
hoi thilā ṭi dekha satya ॥18

helehem̐ āmbha kaḻevara ।
helā ṭi dekha avatāra ॥19
ye avatāra puruṣa ।
sehi ṭi āmbhe boli śeṣa ॥20
yadi dhariba tumbhe jāṇa ।
pāiba āmbhara divya jñāna ॥21

ehi ye kaḻevara kathā ।
kaḻā re ropaṇa sehi goṭā ॥22
hoi thāu ye āmbhe jāṇa ।
ye dvādaśa kaḻā boli maṇa ॥23
avatāra ṭi boli kahi ।
aṣṭhama kaḻā re yehi thāi ॥24
mahāpuruṣa boli jāṇa ।
caturddaśa ṭi hele jñāna ॥25
śīva svarūpa hue sehi ।
pandara śohaḻa kalā kahi ॥26
divya kaḻevara jāṇa ।
nāhim̐ ṭi manuṣya śarīreṇa ॥27

yeteka rūpa ṭi mora jāṇa ।
bāra kaḻā ru urddhe pūṇa ॥28
sabu ta āmbhe boli kahi ।
re sutā jāṇibu ehā tuhi ॥29
cauda kaḻā ye sampurṇṇa ।
hoile kichi kichi jāṇa ॥30
kichi kichi ṭi kaḻevara ।
āmbha saṅgate līna sāra ॥31
ehi ye divya kaḻevara ।
śrī kṛṣṇa rūpa ṭi boli dhara ॥32

ye kāḻe saṃhāra heba kahi ।
yuga ra anta boli tahim̐ ॥33
sekāḻe āmbhe svayaṃ jāṇa ।
padārpaṇa ṭi karu puṇa ॥34
haste astra ṭi gheni sāra ।
āmbhe ṭi āsu divya vara ॥35
se kāḻe āmbha ṅka pāse jāṇa ।
sarave loṭanti pāde puṇa ॥36


English Translation

Śrī Guru Speaks:

Daughter, what more do I say thee?
Lord Kṛṣṇa in divine body –
Is forever present, do know,
I am Lord Kṛṣṇa perceive so.

In a human body, o’ son,
My divine body’s union –
I say is never ever borne,
In my abilities was born
Taking my ability’s frame
Sāi Rāma as was that name,
As once the earthly plane did bear
This way see many many were.

As so many saints and sages
I have been born over ages
Having taken such ordained form
My appearance I say is norm.

Still, as is my divine body
Does not chance among humans see
Only my incarnation see
Is my manifested body.

I do incarnate whenever –
Sudarśana I hold for sure.
Else if there’s no incarnation
I only preach truth’s expression.

Know here I will explain you some
That Tretayā age as had come
See during that Tretayā age
So many people did engage –
Holding onto thoughts of Brahma
Vasiṣṭha, Viśvāmitra know
Gautama and others as were
The seven sages as were there,
Seven divine sages were they
All of the Brahma’s form I say
Those seven but were form of me
And such has been the truth, you see.

Still my manifested body
Became the incarnation see
That in the form incarnated
Was all but only me at end –
To such thought if you strongly bind
My divine wisdom you will find.

Referred that as my body is
Planted in my abilities,
Whensoever I myself mold
In twelve abilities behold
As incarnation I am known,
Eight abilities when are sown –
A great prophet then he is called
Fourteenth whenever one does hold –
His form becomes Śīva’s akin,
Abilities fifteen, sixteen –
Only in divine body held,
But not in human body weld.

Among all forms that I have bore
With abilities twelve or more
I say all are only me though,
Of this, o’ daughter, you will know.
Fourteen abilities fulfil
When happens, little by little,
Some parts of that very body
Starts to then uniting in me.
This divine body that as is
Reckon Lord Kṛṣṇa’s figure is.

When destruction is to unfold,
As ongoing age’s end is called
Then, I the Supreme myself, know,
Put my very feet down and show
Holding the weapon in my hand
In a divine body I stand.
At that time in order to meet –
All fall down at my very feet.



The Divine Revelations extracted and presented here in their original and uncorrupted form have made heavy incorporation of Chanda (Poetic Metre and Crypt), have multiple meanings and ingrain deep symbolism which make them very difficult to understand. While the same Sūkti (Divine Revelation) may also be understood and interpreted differently by different seekers and teachers of Spiritualism, all paths lead to the same goal towards realisation of Brahma (the Ultimate Truth).

The above Translation is a humble attempt by members of Hari Parivār to interpret and explain the original extraction in context of the Supreme Lord Jagannātha’s prescribed path of Bhāva (Emotion), Bhakti (Devotion) and Prema (Love).

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