The True Meaning of Hari Parivār

The Supreme Lord here reveals the true meaning of Hari Parivār, His intention behind the creation of His family, and as who shall constitute as its members.

(Below is the revelation as extracted from Māḻikā, given by Śrī Guru Lord Jagannātha in Oḍiā; translated into English for the benefit of Mankind)

Original Transliteration

Śrī Guru Uvāca:

parivāra boli yāhā jāṇa ।
ki abā bujhuchu tuhi puṇa ॥1
re suta kaha ye ehi kathā ।
tā ante gāibā āmbha gāthā ॥2

bahu ye artha achi suta ।
parivāra ra dekha etha ॥3
vibhinna rakama boli jāṇa ।
kahuthānti ṭi sarve puṇa ॥4

helehem̐ parivāra kathā ।
kahibā dekha ṭi sāmarathā ॥5

eka ru adhika jana thāi ।
yahim̐re śraddhā āvarai ॥6
yāhāku kariba tāhā jāṇa ।
sehi ṭi parivāra gaṇa ॥7

ye hari parivāra kathā ।
āmbhara rahichi vyavasthā ॥8
hari ki eka lakṣya kari ।
yemanta bhāva bhakti smari ॥9
prema re kale nivedana ।
parivāra ṭi tāhā jāṇa ॥10

hari ki lakṣya kari suta ।
kathā ṭi hoile jāgṛta ॥11
hari parivāra kathā ।
tahim̐re rahichi sāmarathā ॥12

ye hari boli tuhi jāṇa ।
ki abā bujhuchu tuhi puṇa ॥13
hari ye haribā pāim̐ suta ।
samasta rahichi dekha etha ॥14

hari ye hara eka kathā ।
nuhem̐ dekha bhinna cintā ॥15
ekai boli ṭi parimāṇa ।
hari hara ṭi eka maṇa ॥16

ye hari parivāra suta ।
hara parivāra ṭi tāhā satya ॥17
śaiva vaiṣṇava ādi kathā ।
tumbhe ye bhinna bhinna sattā ॥18
karicha bhūmaṇḍaḻa re ।
āmbhara nuhem̐ ṭi tāhā gīre ॥19

karicha yeteka ethe jāṇa ।
bhinna bhinna ṭi ethe puṇa ॥20
kevaḻa ahaṃ bhāva sthita ।
hoichi dekha ṭi tahim̐ etha ॥21
nohile āmbha sattā kāhim̐ ।
bhinnā bhinna ṭi dekhā rahi ॥22

ekai sattā boli jāṇa ।
ye śaiva vaiṣṇava tuhi maṇa ॥23
apare śākta jñāna kahi ।
sanātana ṭi eka thāi ॥24

hindu musalamāna ādi ।
khrīṣṭiāna ye prasiddhi ॥25
kichi ṭi nāhim̐ boli jāṇa ।
kevaḻa koḻa re maṇḍana ॥26
sarave chanti ṭi eka sāra ।
eka eka ye ratna mora ॥27

ekai āmbhara dharma kahi ।
sanātana ye dharma thāi ॥28
jīva re dayā parimāṇa ।
sehi ṭi sanātana jāṇa ॥29

ehi ta śikṣā debā pāim̐ ।
gaḍhichi parivāra kahi ॥30
helehem̐ dekha nārakhāra ।
karuchanti ṭi nara mora ॥31
bhinna bhinna ye kari sattā ।
kahuchanti ṭi nānā kathā ॥32
nuhem̐ re suta thiba jāṇi ।
ekai kathā ṭi parimāṇi ॥33


English Translation

Śrī Guru Speaks:

That as is known a Family
What do you understand to be?
O’ son of this you firstly tell
And then I shall sing of my tale.

Many meanings see are, o’ son,
Of Family that as is known
Various meanings know remain
And thus all people say again.

Still as is known the Family
I shall explain its meaning, see.

More than a single person stays
And in which strong faith overlays
Know where such is always done
They are as Family members known.

That as is Hari’s Family
I have kept the arrangement see
Keeping Hari as the target
Emotions of devotion set
And who deep feelings of love show
That is but the Family, know!

Keeping Hari as target, son,
Arises when the discussion
That is as Hari Family –
See the truth as is known to be.

That known as Hari you admit
What do you understand by it?
Hari is the one who steals, son –
Everything that one has, reckon!

Hari and Hara are but one
And the difference there is none.
Only one is the entity
Hari Hara are but one, see!

Hari Family as is, son,
Hara Family in truth known.
Of Śaiva, Vaiṣṇava, and all,
You as varied entities call
And such on earthly plane have done –
I do not have that distinction.

As all you have made to be here
Differences in things galore –
Only because of the ego,
And thus true here has happened so.
Else my entity as is known
Where differently have I shown?

Only one entity I’m know
That is Śaiva and Vaiṣṇava,
Later that as Śākta is known,
But Sanātana is just one.

Hindu, Muslim, and as is all,
Christian known in fame you call,
None actually exist know!
Only on my lap sit and show,
All having held onto one core
But each a jewel of my encore.

Only one is my religion
That as Sanātana is known
Showing the living compassion –
That as Sanātana is known!

To give this very teaching see
I’ve created my Family.
Still see how disfiguration
Of me men have together done,
Making different entities
Are saying different stories.
Know that such is not true, o’ son,
Because I am but only one.



The Divine Revelations extracted and presented here in their original and uncorrupted form have made heavy incorporation of Chanda (Poetic Metre and Crypt), have multiple meanings and ingrain deep symbolism which make them very difficult to understand. While the same Sūkti (Divine Revelation) may also be understood and interpreted differently by different seekers and teachers of Spiritualism, all paths lead to the same goal towards realisation of Brahma (the Ultimate Truth).

The above Translation is a humble attempt by members of Hari Parivār to interpret and explain the original extraction in context of the Supreme Lord Jagannātha’s prescribed path of Bhāva (Emotion), Bhakti (Devotion) and Prema (Love).

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