Mystery of the Consciousness Enjoined Wood

The Supreme Lord here reveals the Mystery of the Dāru Brahma (Consciousness Enjoined Wood) referring to the fundamental principle because of which Living Bodies have ingrained Consciousness, and how instead Lord Jagannātha’s idol is awake as the Brahma Dāru (Wooden Body which itself has become Equivalent of Consciousness).

(Below is the revelation as extracted from Māḻikā, given by Śrī Guru Lord Jagannātha in Oḍiā; translated into English for the benefit of Mankind)

Original Transliteration

Śrī Guru Uvāca:

yeteka āmbhara
rahichanti sutā
dāru brahma boli kahi ।
dāru goṭi jāṇa
tumbha śarīra ṭi
brahma saṃyojita tahim̐ ॥1

teṇukari tumbhe
sajjīvita jāṇa
hoi acha dekha sāra ।
dāru brahma boli
kahibā dekha ṭi
ethire tahim̐ ye gīra ॥2

temanta nava
kaḷevare jāṇa
dāru saṃgṛhita hoi ।
dāru pūjana ṭi
hoi sethi jāṇa
brahma saṃyojita thāi ॥3

ye kāḷe brahma
saṃyojita jāṇa
hue ṭi boli re sāra ।
triguṇa madhẏare
rahile ṭi sutā
dāru brahma boli dhara ॥4

triguṇātita ṭi
hoile sehi ye
brahma dāru hue kahi ।
re sutā e kathā
batāi deli ye
bhinnā bhinna kichi nāhim̐ ॥5

temanta āmbhe ṭi
karu achu jāṇa
nirjīva madhẏere sāra ।
nirjīva bhitare
ye kāḷe āmbhe ṭi
prasphuṭita hau gīra ॥6

tatakṣaṇa ṭi
tāhā sutā jāṇa
brahma svarūpa ṭi hoi ।
tahim̐re āmbhe
vikaśita hau
batāi deli ye muhim̐ ॥7

temanta hoichi
ehi patra jāṇa
nirjīva madhyare sāra ।
tahim̐re brahma ṭi
ānita hoile
hue brahma boli dhara ॥8

brahma saṃyojita
hoi yāe jāṇa
re sutā kahe ṭi muhim̐ ।
sehi brahma goṭi
dāru brahma hoi
brahma dāru hue sehi ॥9

temanta eṭhāre
hoichi re sutā
bhinnā bhinna kichi jāṇa ।
nuhem̐ ṭi ethire
kahili re sutā
jāṇibu ṭi ehi jñāna ॥10


English Translation

Śrī Guru Speaks:

All that as my own meant,
See, o’ daughter present,
And as Brahma enjoined Wood said –
One that as Wood is known
Has as your body shown!
And mixed with Brahma it is laid.

From all this do derive,
That you are hence alive!
This is but the main essence here
Of the Wood joined Brahma
See, I reveal the law –
Here in my lucid verses, hear!

Thus in this way when new –
Body’s change does ensue,
Marked collection of wood is done
When of the wood’s homage
In there is made to stage
The enjoined Brahma flames as one

And when of the Brahma
Enjoining in there, know,
In all quintessence is conferred,
In tri-world attributes
If presence constitutes
As Brahma enjoined Wood referred.

But beyond tri-world traits
When it then elevates
Brahma equivalent Wood said
O’ daughter of this tale
I’ve revealed in detail
None else as difference portrayed.

That way I myself am –
Creating the programme
As is the non-living affair,
In the inanimate
Whenever my own state
Emerges to effloresce there

Immediately then
That, o’ daughter ken,
Of the Brahma’s form does become
And in there, I, myself
Augment to itself,
See, I have revealed the wisdom!

Thus has happened the show,
In this very leaf, know,
In an inanimate object,
When the Brahma, adhere,
In that made to appear
That, Brahma becomes in effect!

Of Brahma enjoining
When is finished the swing,
O’ daughter listen the outcome,
That as Brahma construed
From Brahma enjoined Wood
Brahma equal Wood does become!

That way as you see here
Has happened, daughter hear,
But the difference here is none
And see there’s nothing more
I reveal, o’ daughter,
This is but the knowledge alone!



The Divine Revelations extracted and presented here in their original and uncorrupted form have made heavy incorporation of Chanda (Poetic Metre and Crypt), have multiple meanings and ingrain deep symbolism which make them very difficult to understand. While the same Sūkti (Divine Revelation) may also be understood and interpreted differently by different seekers and teachers of Spiritualism, all paths lead to the same goal towards realisation of Brahma (the Ultimate Truth).

The above Translation is a humble attempt by members of Hari Parivār to interpret and explain the original extraction in context of the Supreme Lord Jagannātha’s prescribed path of Bhāva (Emotion), Bhakti (Devotion) and Prema (Love).

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